The Whistleblower is a Crime-Drama web series. This web series is released on Sonyliv. This web series was directed by Manoj Pillai. The star cast is Ritwik Bhowmik, Ankita Sharma, Sachin Khedekar, Ridhi Khakhar, Ashish Verma, Ravi Kishan and other actors.
Here are the details of The Whistleblower Web Series release date, cast, and plot, and much more.
The Whistleblower SonyLiv Cast
The main starring cast of the "The Whistleblower" web series is as follows:-
Ritwik Bhowmik ,Ankita Sharma ,Sachin Khedekar ,Ridhi Khakhar ,Ravi Kishan ,Sonali Kulkarni ,Ashish Verma.
The Whistleblower SonyLiv Story
The story of "The Whistleblower" web series revolves around Education Scams.
Education is one of the top businesses in India, and the PMT scam is one of those serial scams that give wings to scammers who use proxy and contacts for paper leaks and planned cheating. This scam shook the nation and the result was more than 1700 arrests and multiple deaths.
PMT Scam 2013 is the inspiration for the series.
The Whistleblower Release Date
The Release Date of the "The Whistleblower" web series is 16 December 2021. This web series will be released on SonyLiv App and website also. You need to take a subscription with SonyLiv to watch this web series.
The Whistleblower SonyLiv Trailer
The "The Whistleblower" web series Trailer which is released on SonyLiv Youtube Channel are as follows:-